"The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people."
“Do not judge a book by its cover.” This is an age old saying that is used to reprimand a person from judging another just based on outward appearances. True, to judge a person solely by superficial appearances alone might not produce an accurate representation of the person's true personality. However, is there no grain of truth to the fact that the way people look,dress and act can reveal much about their attitudes and interests? I am in agreement with the issue topic that the way people look, dress and act reveals much about their attitudes and interest, and collectively the way citizens of a society appear and behave can reveal much about the society's ideas and values.
As superficial as it may be, there is no denying that the way a person carries him or herself holds heavy weight in the way people would perceive them. Take for example the way a person dresses for a job interview. If the person dresses immaculately and and acts professionally, it portrays an attitude that is respectful and disciplined. On the other hand, if the interviewing candidate turns up at the interview slovenly dressed and slurring his speech, the interviewer would think twice before even considering the person as a potential hire for the company. People portray themselves the way they want to be seen, which in turn reflects their own individual personalities and interests. Many teenagers use the way they dress and act as a way to express their interests and identify themselves with others with similar interests. With the aid of the media industry, many subcultures have gained higher exposure and are emulated by teenagers everywhere. There are those who dress and imitate the speech of hip-hop and rap singers. There are those who follow the punk image, and dress and act accordingly. No matter what choices in the way people chose to portray themselves, it is a physical representation of their attitudes and interests.
On an individual scale, external appearance can indicate personal attitudes and interest. What about the appearance and behavior of people on a larger scale? Dynamics of different appearances at play in a society can indicate so much more. It can be used to establish cultural identities, to demonstrate social and economic class or even used as a display of religious tendencies. It can also be an indication of level of acceptance and diversity in a society. For example, if a society consists of mostly of people who dress similar, it can suggest a society that stresses on conformity. Or if there are many very obvious different groups of people who act and dress differently in a society, it can be an indication of a more liberal society. We see differences in different countries. Take for example the dress codes required of women in Muslim countries. Often they are required to wear headdresses and long dresses to cover their hair, and their bodies and sometimes even the face. It is reflective of the more conservative Muslim culture and beliefs. On the other hand, take a look at dress codes in a more liberal society like the United States. Women are allowed to wear pants, and tank tops or bikinis, which shows society's higher tolerance for the female display of body.
For all the reasons I have presented above, I would like to reiterate my agreement that way people chose to look, dress and behave can be a strong indication of the overall society's ideas and values. Not only does the way appearances and behavior reflect an individual's personal interests and attitudes, these behaviors and appearances on a larger scale can evince cultural identities, social and economic class and so much more.
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